Shreyosi Endow

PhD Student
Computer Engineering

Shreyosi Endow


Shreyosi Endow is a second year Computer Engineering Ph.D. student at University of Texas at Arlington. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from University of Texas at Arlington in May 2020. Her research interests are in digital fabrication, IoT environments, toolkit design for hybrid makerspaces, and wearable technology. Personal Website


Published Projects
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Cross-Pollinating Communities of Practice via Video Tutorials
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Shared, Shaped, and Stolen
Tracing Sites of Knowledge Transfer across Creative Communities of Practice
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[Graduate Consortium] Experiential Tutorials
Designing Tutorial Authoring Tools to Facilitate Tacit Knowledge Exchange in Creative Practices
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A Flow-annotated Dataset of Kumihimo Braidmaking Activity
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Tacit Descriptions
Uncovering Ambiguity in Crowdsourced Descriptions of Motions and Materials
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Shifting Perception through Interactive Projected Cues in Still Life Drawing
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A Creative Framework for Hand Embroidered Liquid Crystal Textile Displays
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A Haptic Prototyping Toolkit for Wearable Compression-based Interfaces
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I'm Better Off on My Own
Understanding How a Tutorial's Medium Affects Physical Skill Development
Student Projects
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From Concepts to Competency
Developing Skill Ontologies with LLM Assistance
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Single-Sensor Distributed Tactile Sensing in Soft Robotic Finger Segments
Reu Projects
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Conductive Soft and Metamaterials
Smart Material Toolkits Track