Asmin Pothula
Computer Science

Asmin Pothula is currently a sophomore at the University of Texas at Arlington pursuing an Honors Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Furthermore, Asmin is an Honors College Programming Board Coordinator, a member of EXCEL Campus Activities, the Social Media Chair for the Engineers Without Borders Club - UTA Chapter and the Mavs Go-Green organization, as well as an organizer for the 2023 HackUTA Event. Asmin was also an official TEDx Speaker for the TEDxUTA Event Finding You!, where she gave a speech about finding yourself through spontaneity and living in the moment. Her main aspirations include pursuing a Doctorate’s degree in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning. In addition, her current research interests include the following: AI, ML, HCI, UX/UI design, and digital fabrication. In her free time, she enjoys watching movies and TV series, spending time with her friends and family, and dabbling in her interest in the arts. She also enjoys spending time with animals, specifically dogs.