Buttons, Switches, & Sensors

Important Links
- Soft Silicone Top 6mm Push-buttons (20-pack) - Translucent PID: 4183
- Mini On/Off Push-Button Switch PID: 3870
- Mini Soft Touch Push-button Switches (6mm square) x 10 pack PID: 3983
- Mini Illuminated Momentary Pushbutton - Red Power Symbol PID: 3104
- Foot switch PID: 423
- Mini 8-Way Rotary Selector Switch - SP8T PID: 2925
- Flat Vibration Switch - Breadboard friendly PID: 4081
- Adafruit 12-Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout - MPR121 PID: 1982
- Electret Microphone Amplifier - MAX9814 with Auto Gain Control PID: 1713
- Adafruit BME680 - Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and Gas Sensor PID: 3660
- Waterproof DS18B20 Digital temperature sensor + extras PID: 381
- TMP36 - Analog Temperature sensor - TMP36 PID: 165
- Breadboard trim potentiometer - 10K PID: 356
- Slow Vibration Sensor Switch (Hard to trigger) PID: 1767
- Photo cell (CdS photoresistor)Photo cell (CdS photoresistor) PID: 161
- Color Sensor with IR filter and White LED - TCS34725 PID: 1334
- Slide Potentiometer with Plastic Knob - 35mm Long - 10KΩ PID: 4271
- NFC Tags
- RFID Reader