Undergraduate Research Studios (UGRS)

UGRS Fellows
Chat with past and current UGRS fellow about the program.

We are a creative technology research lab exploring a range of research topics in Human-Computer Interaction, Digital Fabrication, and Art Practice, and we are looking for skilled and passionate undergraduate students to join us. The Undergraduate Research Studios program is designed to provide a structured research experience, expose you to new digital fabrication equipment and techniques, support you in developing critical research skills, and allow you to make connections with other like-minded undergrads.
UGRS participants will have access to state-of-the-art digital fabrication equipment and materials.
Participants can choose from one of three research areas to explore (see below for more information). Each research area requires a diverse set of skills – from material science to art to signal processing to psychology. We are especially interested in students with sophomore- or junior-standing from across the College of Engineering, College of Science, College of Architecture, Planning, and Public Affairs, and College of Liberal Arts.
Prior research experience is not needed, but a passion for making is strongly encouraged. We expect members of the program to be able to commit 10 hours/week of their time towards research and atelier projects, to help and support other UGRS participants, and to publish their work in the atelier through an open-source software/hardware repository, as an Instructable or Thing , or as a research product (e.g., peer-reviewed video, demo, poster, work-in-progress, or paper).
Research credit is available. Up to 10 positions will be made available for the Spring 2023 Cycle (please review application deadlines). Funded positions will be made available in the future, with special preference for atelier members.
The application will ask you to provide:
Important Dates (Spring 2023 Cycle)
Applications Open | Nov 18, 2023 |
Applications Due | Dec 10, 2023 |
Notification of Acceptance | Rolling basis |
Safety Training | 1st week of Spring Semester |
1st Lab Mtg | Weekly, TBA |

Program Goals
Research Areas
The Spring 2023 UGRS program will focus on the following research areas:

Hybrid Media

Hybrid Hand

Hybrid Spaces
Program Activities
Eligibility and Capacity
UGRS positions are available to currently enrolled UTA undergraduates. We are especially interested in participation from sophomore and junior-level standing students, especially students with interdisciplinary interests (e.g., double majors, minors, interdisciplinary research experience). Up to 10 positions will be offered for Spring 2023.
Come be a part of an interdisciplinary research lab!
Roles & Stipend
Students will receive a stipend commensurable with their participation and skill level within the lab. Promotion to a different expertise will be based on an end-of-semester critique of artifacts and determined by three independent judges. Fully-funded positions will be made available in the future (e.g., work study, semester/summer REU, research assistantships), with special consideration to existing atelier members.
We have changed the funding model of the UGRS program to be reward-based. Every research activity in the lab carries a point-value. At the conclusion of the semester, these points are tabulated to provide a monetary reward for undergraduate research fellows. For example, presenting at lab meeting contributes to these point values. There is a minimum threshold for these points to turn into a reward. The points earned in one semester transfer to subsequent semesters. Rewards range from $50-$200.
This reward system is designed to allow UGRS fellows to match their schedule and availability to research activities in the program.
Apply Here